Chemistry in the Eyes of the Youth
How does the Filipino youth see Chemistry? We are looking for high-quality photos that help convey chemistry concepts. The photo may center on people, objects, experiments, or a natural phenomenon.
Eligibility. The contest is open to Grades 7-12 students as of AY 2020-2021 from both public and private schools nationwide. Each school is entitled to one (1) entry; school systems with multiple campuses are entitled to one (1) entry per campus.
Relatives of officers, board members and employees of the Philippine Federation of Chemistry Societies up to the 2nd degree of affinity or consanguinity are not qualified to join the contest.
Judging. Entries will be judged on the basis of creative expression and originality (30%), composition and technique (30%), and relevance to the theme (40%). The Board of Judges will be composed of photographers/creatives and representatives from the Philippine Federation of Chemistry Societies. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be final and unappealable.
Prizes. Up to twelve (12) photo entries may be chosen as winners. Each winner will receive a P5,000 cash prize. Winners will be notified by email. They will also be recognized at the 35th Philippine Chemistry Congress on 20-24 September 2021.
Contest Period. Submission of entries to the PFCS Photo Contest 2021 will be open from 1-14 March 2021 only, extended to 31 July 2021.
- The interested student prepares the submission–image file, title and description, model release (if applicable), and sends it to their teacher for endorsement.
- The teacher/school double checks the submission against the guidelines. Should there be more than one submission from their students, the teacher/school chooses one of the submissions as their official entry.
- The teacher/coach logs into the PFCS website to submit their official entry.
Prepare the following information for the submission:- submission file: a ZIP file containing the image file (JPG), title and description (TXT), model release(s) (PDF).
Filename: «Province»-«City/Municipality»_«School Name»-«Campus».ZIP
Example: NCR-Mandaluyong_PFCS.ZIP - student information (name, grade/year level, email address)
- student ID or other proof of enrolment (JPG or PDF)
Filename example: NCR-Mandaluyong_PFCS_Student-ID.PDF - school information (name of school/campus, mailing address)
- teacher/coach information (name, designation, email address*, contact number)
- *teacher/coach ID or proof of employment (JPG or PDF)
Required only if the teacher/coach doesn’t have an institutional email address
Filename example: NCR-Mandaluyong_PFCS_Teacher-ID.PDF
- submission file: a ZIP file containing the image file (JPG), title and description (TXT), model release(s) (PDF).
- Entries must be submitted with the participant’s information (name of participant, grade level, email address, name and address of school), photo caption/title and brief description.
- Digital photos must be submitted online via the PFCS website. Only online entries will be eligible.
- All entries must include a photo caption/title and description (50 words or less) to be valid. Descriptions will not be judged.
Submission Guidelines
- Photos must be original and taken personally by the student using their camera or smartphone.
- Photos must be in the JPG file format with a minimum size of 1000 × 1000 pixels. There is no restriction on the aspect ratio provided that the shortest side is at least 1000 pixels.
- Photos must neither be digitally altered nor enhanced. This includes but is not limited to the use of software filters, post-processing or photo manipulation software.
- Photos must be appropriate for all audiences. Images featuring inappropriate content will not be considered. These include those depicting nudity and sexual content, self-harm, harassment, violence, and the like.
- Photos must not contain watermarks, trademarks, logos or other forms of intellectual property owned by others, or advertisements or promotions of any brand or product of any kind.
- Photos must not contain names or personal identifiable information (such as license plate numbers, email address, or street addresses), or other markings identifying any person, living or dead, without their written consent. Should there be people in the images, secure a model release for each person in the photo. A model release is also applicable if the student is in the photo and they are still a minor.
- Images which have been published previously either in print or electronic formats in any website, newsletter, journal, or social media channels will not be accepted.
- The copyright of the images remains with the student. The student, through the school, grants PFCS a royalty-free license (for a period of 3 years) to use the submitted image in both print and electronic media including but not limited to: the PFCS website, newsletters and social media channels, and for marketing and promotional purposes. PCFS will provide appropriate attribution to the owner of the copyright.
- In the event that the submitted image contains likenesses of third parties or elements not owned by the student, the student must be able to provide legal releases for such use, including PFCS’ royalty-free use of such image, in a form satisfactory to PFCS, upon request, prior to the naming of the winner. All students further agree to indemnify and hold PFCS and its representatives harmless from any claims arising from its PFCS’ use of the winning images.
- Any violations will result in the disqualification of the entry. Furthermore, the student and the school agree to be banned from joining PFCS Photo Contests/Poster Making Competitions for the succeeding two academic years (until AY 2022-2023).
Entry Submission
Submission of entries to the PFCS Photo Contest 2021 will be open from 1-14 March 2021 only, extended to 31 July 2021. Only teachers/coaches may submit entries on behalf of the student/school.