CdO Hosts Training-workshop on Chemical Safety and Security

By Admer Rey C. Dablio

Various laboratories in Mindanao participated in the Training-Workshop on Chemical Safety and Security organized by the Northern Mindanao Laboratory Consortium Foundation, Inc., in collaboration with the Chemistry Department of Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, Rio Verde Water Consortium Foundation, Inc. and the Regional Standards and the Testing Laboratories of the Department of Science and Technology Region X (DOST-X). The event was held at the Limketkai Luxe Hotel, Limketkai Center, C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City on 12-14 May 2014.

The three-day workshop aimed at increasing safety and security awareness of laboratories handling chemicals. This training was designed for all safety and security officers and laboratory personnel from private, government, and academic laboratories, processing plants, agricultural chemical producers or distributors, chemical transportation industry, inspectors for health, environment, customs, and higher education, and safety and security enforcement agencies. Participated chiefly by chemists and chemical engineers, nonetheless there were biologists, medical tech-nologists, food technologists, laboratory technicians, safety supervisor, disaster risk reduction officer, safety, health and environment officer, sanitation officer, licensing officer, and owner of a chemical distribution company.

Chemists who completed the Chemical Safety and Security Officer (CSSO) Training facilitated by Sandia National Laboratories under the United States of America Department of State, held in Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines were the resource speakers of this training-workshop.

Jomarie P. Enerio, M.S. Chem is currently a Chemical Safety Officer at Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan. She attended the CSSO Training in 2012 in Davao City. Faustino M. Tarongoy Jr., M.S. Chem is also a Chemical Safety Officer at Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan and Chairman of the Chemistry Department in 2008 to 2011 and 2012 to 2013. Tarongoy actively participated in the 2009 CSSO Training in Bangkok, Thailand and he shared his knowledge on the subject during the 2012 training in Davao City. Tarongoy represented the Philippines in 2011 in the Associate Program on the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Germany.

Resource Speaker, Faustino Tarongoy

The lead resource speaker of the training-workshop was Patrick John Y. Lim, Ph.D. of the University of San Carlos in Cebu City. He became involved in chemical safety and security through collaborations with experts from Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico, U.S.A., culminating with his appointment to a U.S. National Academies Committee on Promoting Safe and Secure Chemical Management in Developing Countries from 2009 to 2010. His engagement in chemical safety and security included travels to conduct training in Pakistan and Yemen, and to attend workshops in Australia, Thailand, Switzerland, and the U.S.A. His latest travel to Spiez, Switzerland was as a discussant for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Workshop 2012, on Impacts of Scientific Development on the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Resource Speaker, Jomarie Enerio

Participants appreciated the productivities borne out of the training-workshop because these learning have practical upshot in the improvement of their laboratories and in the assessment of the hazards involved with handling chemicals and chemical wastes. Julebelle A. Eltanal from the Department of Health Region 10, a medical technologist assigned at the licensing division of the agency checking on the laboratories, facilities, and services for drinking water testing in the region, said that she is very thankful of this training because she is now more aware of what are the things she should check during the conduct of laboratory safety inspection or audit and she can now give inputs and suggestions for the improvement of the audited laboratory.

Participants similarly visited the Regional Standards and Testing Laboratories of the DOST-X where a laboratory inspection and chemical safety and security audit were conducted. They noted some good features and practices of DOST-X laboratories which they may adopt in their own laboratories.

Resource Speaker Dr. Lim with participants

Engr. Joffrey E. Hapitan, President of the Board of Trustees of NorMin LABCON and Senior Vice-President for Operations of Rio Verde Water Consortium, Inc., said that more training-workshops will be conducted by NorMin LABCON as the foundation’s desire to improve its capabilities is continually burning.

Texas-based Cancer Researcher Visits PH

By Jan Patrick Calupitan

Dr. Marites P. Melancon, a US-based scientist, visited Philippine universities and research institutions last March 15 to Apr. 14, 2014 to share her expertise, strengthen research linkages, and generously conducted workshop-seminars. Dr. Melancon is an Assistant Professor in the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center where she specializes on developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic agents for cancer therapy based on nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is research field focusing on materials in the nanometer scale. At this level, materials have new emergent properties that promise a wired range of applications in medicine, energy, computer science and information technology.

Dr. Melancon gave lectures in the University of San Carlos, De La Salle University, Ateneo de Manila University, and The Medical City on nanotechnology-based innovations in the biomedical field. These include simultaneous detection and therapy of cancer using gold and magnetic nanostructures. She also facilitated a workshop on the synthesis of nanostructures at the Ateneo de Manila University on April 3 and 4, 2014. Participants learned the basics of making magnetic gold nanoparticles, which they used to image cancer cells. Researchers, medical doctors, and faculty members from The Medical City, University of the Philippines – Diliman, University of the Philippines – Los Baños, and Ateneo de Manila University benefited from the talk. “There are many opportunities for research in the biomedical field here in the Philippines,” she quoted in one of her lecture talks.

Dr. Melancon graduated bachelors in Chemistry from the University of San Carlos, MS Chemistry from the Ateneo de Manila University, and PhD in Biomedical Science from the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, Texas. Besides her numerous journal publications, she won several research awards, including the Specialized Programs of Research Excellence from the National Institutes of Health. She is presently a reviewer of various specialized journals in biomedicine, medical physics, and nanomedicine.

Besides having a hectic schedule in her visit to the country, she was able to attend the Philippine Chemistry Congress in Naga City on April 9-11, 2014 where she gave a presentation on polymeric materials. Her research visit made possible through the Balik Scientist Program of the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD), which was hosted by the Chemistry Department of the Ateneo de Manila University thru Dr. Erwin P. Enriquez.

Focus: Ateneo de Davao

By Michael Casas

The Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU) is a Catholic, Jesuit, and Filipino University founded in 1946. Through the years, ADDU went through institutional, academic, and structural expansions guided by its mission to become a leader in educational reform in the Southern Philippines.

The commitment of this university to excel in instruction, research, relevant community extension, and formation of men and women rooted in the Ignatian values, merited the numerous recognitions it received. Among the distinctions of ADDU include the PAASCU Level III Accreditation and Autonomous Status from CHED. Just recently, the university is included in the Top 300 Schools in Asia, 5th in the Philippines, and the only university based in Mindanao, that reached the QS Ranking of Academic institutions in Asia. All these validated the pursuit of the university to provide excellent academic programs and services in all its departments.


The ADDU Chemistry Department under the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Cluster of the School of Arts and Sciences offers the bachelor (established in 1969) and masteral (established in the early 1990s) programs in Chemistry. The board exam passing rate of the undergraduates has always been above the national mean and recently consistent at 100%. Several of its alumni received the BPI-DOST Science awards, topped the licensure examinations, as well as the University Graduation Awards. The recent increase in enrolment in the MS Chemistry program is notable due to the continuous upgrading of the department’s faculty profile and facilities.

The department was a Commission on Higher Education – Center of Development (CHED-COD) in 2004 and is presently granted the Level III Accreditation by PAASCU. The department continues to build strategic partnerships with various organizations including CHED, DOST, RHRDC, PITAHC and ICP. The department’s competent faculty teaching undergraduate and graduate courses are holding master’s and doctorate degrees and are sent for trainings within the country and abroad. The faculty’s expertise and research interest are on Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, and Natural Products with many of their research outputs published in ISI-indexed journals. Faculty received research grants and awards from DOST, CHED, RHRDC, and the ADDU University Research Council.


The department also maintains the ADDU-Chemistry Analytical and Research Laboratory (CARL) to serve as a service laboratory for third party analysis and a research and advanced chemistry laboratory for undergraduate and graduate students. ADDU-CARL houses state-of-the-art instruments including a Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS), High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC), UV-Visible Spectrophotometers (UV-Vis), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), Electrochemical instruments, UDK Distillation unit, polarimeter, refractometer and bomb calorimeter.

The Northern Mindanao Laboratory Consortium (NorMin LABCON)

By Sylvia A. Khu

With the financial assistance from the Department of Science and Technology Regional Office (DOST-X), some 26 analytical laboratories from seventeen academic institutions, government agencies, and food and industrial companies located at the Cagayan-Iligan Corridor formed the Northern Mindanao Laboratory Consortium, Inc. now famously known as NorMin LABCON.

NorMin LABCON is composed of analytical laboratories coming from academic institutions: Central Mindanao University, Mindanao State University-Naawan, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, and Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan; government agencies: Department of Agriculture, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Public Works and Highways, and Department of Science and Technology; and private laboratories: Asia Brewery, Inc., Busco Sugar Milling Co., Inc., Cagayan de Oro Water District, Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc., Del Monte Philippines, Inc., Nestle Philippines, Inc., Pilipinas Kao, Inc., Philippine Sinter Corporation, and RI Chemicals, Inc.

The consortium established with a mission to make it a venue for the continuous growth and development of member laboratories. It is committed to provide and implement quality services through continuous upgrading of facilities and capabilities of each member and help maintain a healthy environment for the Filipino people and for future generations through waste minimization, recycling of chemicals and proper waste disposal.


Furthermore, the consortium has a vision of creating an internationally competent testing and metrological laboratories geared towards sustainable development. With this vision in mind, since 1998, NorMin LABCON has sponsored a number of training-workshops, seminars and various activities.

NorMin LABCON started with a seminar on ISO Guide 25 in 1998. One year after, the consortium produced a brochure of the founding members which featured the capabilities of the member laboratories. This brochure was very helpful because it provided a network of connection among member institutions on the conduct of various physical and chemical analyses.

In 2001, the consortium became a foundation when it was officially registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and was then officially named as Northern Mindanao Laboratory Consortium Foundation, Inc. In the same year, a seminar-workshop on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) was organized which was well participated by laboratories in Northern Mindanao, even those which were not members. Four years after, a seminar-workshop on Method Validation and Measurement Uncertainty, in conformance with PNS ISO/IEC 17025:2000, was successfully organized. This actually gave laboratories in the region the knowledge in preparation for their application for laboratory accreditation. This is the same year that the Regional Standards and Testing Laboratories (RSTL) of DOST-X was granted the PNS ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for chemical and microbiological testing, the first in the region and the first among DOST regional laboratories. By 2006, the consortium continued giving seminar-workshop, this time on Calibration.

The NorMin LABCON family expanded as it accepted new members in 2008, Liceo de Cagayan University and Rio Verde Water Consortium, Inc. Having Rio Verde as a new member, an educational tour was conducted at its Water Treatment Plant in Baungon, Bukidnon. The year 2009 was a productive year for the consortium. It started with a three-day training-workshop which covered calibration of laboratory balances and volumetric ware, measurement uncertainty, laboratory safety and the preparation of Material Safety Data Sheet. This training-workshop actually had experts from the Department of Science and Technology Region 7 as resource speakers.

Few months later, a seminar on Introduction to ISO Accreditation was conducted which was co-sponsored by DOST-X and was funded by DOST-Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI). NorMin LABCON also prepared and submitted a proposal to DOST-Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and Development (PCIERD) on the preparation of reference material and organizing a proficiency testing for inter-laboratory comparison among testing laboratories in the region. Although the proposal was denied, the consortium took it as a challenge to come up with more milestone activities to enhance competitiveness of its member laboratories.

The consortium became dormant for several years, but it did make a big come back in 2013 when it brought an expert from Eurachem to the Philippines. With the help of Admer Rey C. Dablio, a licensed chemist, an on-the-job trainee at DOST-X in 2009 and was a volunteer of the consortium in the same year, and a close contact of Lorens Peter Sibbesen of Eurachem, the training-workshops on Measurement Uncertainty of Analytical Results and Internal Quality Control in the Analytical Laboratory were fully materialized. Sibbesen is the current Chairman of the Method Validation Working Group within Eurachem, Secretary of EUROLAB Denmark, and owner of Denmark’s LAB Quality International. Sibbesen and Dablio were contacts since 2012.


The training-workshops, which were both held at Cagayan de Oro City, were the first training-workshops organized by NorMin LABCON which welcomed participants not only coming from Mindanao, but from various laboratories in the country. In his message, DOST-10 regional director Alfonso Alamban said that the activity aims at improving the capacities of testing and analytical laboratories in the Philippines. “Our country wants to be ready for ASEAN economic integration come 2015. We want to see a more competent science and technology services and in tackling issues on compliance to worldwide product standard and product safety,” Alamban stressed. Sibbesen said that it was the first time that training-workshops with a speaker from Eurachem were organized in the Philippines and even in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, he shared that he has conducted hundreds of training-workshops all over the world and he has noted that the one conducted in Cagayan de Oro City was the most organized. He was also amazed at the Filipino culture and hospitality. It was his first time to visit the Philippines.

Just recently, during the 25th year anniversary celebration of Eurachem on 19-21 May 2014 at Lisbon, Portugal, wherein the Philippines sent chemist representatives coming from DOST-Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI), Sibbesen still acknowledged the big success of the training-workshops held at Cagayan de Oro City and he looks forward to more in the Philippines. Also, in the recent communication of Dablio with Sibbesen and Bertil Magnusson, the current President of Eurachem, they are looking forward to another set of training in the country for 2014 and 2015.

For the year 2014, NorMin LABCON continued its service to laboratories in the country as it organized a training-workshop on Chemical Safety and Security on 12-14 May 2014. This was a well-participated and very productive training-workshop as participants were able to learn many inputs from resource persons who completed Chemical Safety and Security Officer training under the US Sandia National Laboratories of the Department of State. NorMin LABCON currently conducts survey on the training needs of analytical laboratories in the country. This survey, which will end by 31 May 2014, will give the consortium an idea of what will be the next set of training that NorMin LABCON will organize for 2014 and 2015, especially the training in partnership with experts from Eurachem.

The activities conducted by the consortium are meters of NorMin LABCON’s mileage based on its mission and vision. The consortium is currently headed by Rio Verde Water Consortium, Inc. as the President of the Board of Trustees, DOST-X as the Vice-President and Liceo de Cagayan University as the Treasurer. NorMin LABCON has also been strong since it was established through the dynamic teamwork by the Technical Working Group headed by Lina G. Kwong, Ph.D. of Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan and composed of specialists from DOST-X: Engr. Romela N. Ratilla, D.P.A., Sylvia A. Khu, M.P.A. and Admer Rey C. Dablio.

In a speech by Engr. Joffrey E. Hapitan, NorMin LABCON’s President of the Board of Trustees and Senior Vice-President for operations of Rio Verde, he said that “Our desire to improve our capabilities is continually burning. At this stage, it is best to equip ourselves with knowledge on the general requirements for the competence to carry out tests and calibrations. NorMin LABCON will continue to achieve its mission and vision.”

29th PCC Best Poster Presentations

Three outstanding posters presented during the 29th Philippine Chemistry Congress were awarded as Best Posters. Yomkippur Perez, Hilbert Magpantay, Espejo, Jhonard John Garcia, Riza Gabriela Bonifacio, Maria Myrelle Quiambao, Arianne Marie Aquino and Lawrence John Paulo Trinidad, of the Institute of Chemistry at UP Diliman garnered the first place for her paper entitled Mango Peel Extract Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Its Application on Biosensor Current Response Enhancement. Christine Joy Querebillo and Michael Zarnikov of the Ateneo de Manila University garnered the second place for her paper entitled Mercury-drop Junction: A Method for Determining Molecular Conductance of Thin Self-Assembled Films while Ana Katrina Mapanao, Micaela Cristina Perlada, Fabian Dayrit and Nina Rosario Rojas of the Ateneo de Manila University garnered the third place for her paper entitled Coconut Water as Possible Growth and Differentiation Factor for Bone Regeneration.

First place awardee Yomkippur Perez, et al. and Drs. Armando Guidote and Drexel Camacho.

First place awardee Yomkippur Perez, et al. and Drs. Armando Guidote and Drexel Camacho.

The awards were given by Dr. Armando Guidote, PFCS President, and Dr. Drexel Camacho, KIMIKA Editor-in-Chief, at the closing ceremonies of the congress at the Villa Caceres Hotel, Naga City on April 11, 2014. The judges were Dr. Maritess Melancon (MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas), Ms. Olivia Erin Buenafe (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium), Dr. Francisco Franco (De La Salle University Manila), Dr. Edgar Paski (British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, Canada), and Mr. Jacob Glenn Jansalin (Visayas State University, Baybay City, Leyte). The criteria for judging were content, poster quality and Q&A.

The cash prizes of 7000, 5000 and 2000 pesos awarded to the first, second and third place awardees, respectively, were sponsored by the Philippine Federation of Chemistry Societies (PFCS), host of the 29th Philippine Chemistry Congress, and KIMIKA: The Journal of the Kapisanang Kimika ng Pilipinas.

29th PCC Fellowship Night

By Judy Del Valle-Perez

After a very hectic day of intellectual sessions on Day 1- April 9, 2014, a banquet was prepared in the evening for the participants to enjoy, relax and know a little more about Naga City and CamSur.

The evening was hosted by the couple from AdNU Natural Sciences Department, Mr Levi Francisco and Dr. Ma. Teresa Francisco. The program was started by a doxology followed by the Philippine National Anthem given by the Ateneo de Naga University Choir headed by Mr. Joseph Reburiano as the conductor.

A native dance was first presented by the Ateneo de Naga University Dance Troupe that promotes Bicol culture. Then Dr. Armando Guidote Jr., the President of PFCS, together with Mr. Dean Lao, Chemrez Technologies, Inc. Managing Director and Dr. Glenn Alea, Secretary of the PFCS, presented the winner for the 4th National Children’s On the Spot Chemistry Poster Making Contest. The winner was Daniel Aaron Lucban from Bambang Elementary School in Candaba, Pampanga.

Ateneo de Naga University Dance Troupe

Ateneo de Naga University Dance Troupe

This was followed by the 2014 PFCS Awards. Dr. Merle C. Tan was the awardee for Chemistry Education. Dr. Erwin Enriquez was the awardee for Chemical Research and the Philippine Alliance of Laboratory and Equipment Users (PALEU) was the awardee for Chemical Industry.

The night was added with excitement and all were surprised as the 5c7en group danced on the floor with some acrobatic moves. The all-male (real men) group swayed very gracefully in their high heeled shoes.

After the very energetic dance, Mr. Tito Valiente, the director of the Institute of Bicol History and Culture, Ateneo de Naga University talked about the very interesting Bikol Culture and Tradition. He also mentioned some Bicol songs and it was wonderfully sung by Mr. Salvador Saavedra, a senior mentor from the Natural Sciences Department of AdNU.

Mr. Tito Valiente, Director of the Institute of Bicol History and Culture

Mr. Tito Valiente, Director of the Institute of Bicol History and Culture

The last part which was very important for the evening was the dinner. Everyone enjoyed the food while being serenaded by the AdNU choir as they fabulously sang until the end of the dinner.

Ateneo de Naga University Choir

Ateneo de Naga University Choir

Student Chemistry Congress 2014

The Students’ Chemistry Congress was successfully held last 22-23 February, 2014 at the University of the Philippines-Diliman. With an end-goal of stimulating chemistry awareness to undergraduate students, the two-day event offered vibrant activities to cater interests from the simplest to the sublime.

Symposium and Poster Presentation

The first day was composed of symposium on the vital role of chemistry in medicine – with a focus on the applications of chemistry techniques in medicine and career options of chemists which are related to medicine and poster presentation of undergraduate studies on chemistry. Held at the PCED Auditorium, School of Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman, it was participated by students from the Batangas State University, Mindanao State University – Iligan, Philippine Normal University, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Tarlac State University, Technological University of the Philippines, UP Diliman, UP Los Banos, UP Manila, UP Visayas and University of Santo Tomas. The program started the opening remarks from Dr. Christina Binag, PACS, Inc. adviser. The short opening program was followed by the symposium and poster presentation simultaneously. The first lecture entitled “Medical Applications of Aptamer Biosensors” was delivered by Dr. Rahula Dharmatov Albano. Dr. Albano is currently an assistant professor of Dept. of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Santo Tomas whose research interests is on piezoelectric quartz crystal aptamer biosensors, bioanalytical nanotech chemistry, capillary electrophoresis, microfluidics, lab-on-chip and sensor technologies.


Researchers of the top 6 posters who qualified for oral presentation together with Mary Rosary de Leon and Dr. Armand Guidote

Researchers of the top 6 posters who qualified for oral presentation together with
Mary Rosary de Leon and Dr. Armand Guidote

The second talk was entitled the “Role of Chemistry in Medicine: Clinical Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery” delivered by Prof. Cherrie Pascual of the Institute of Chemistry, UP Diliman who is also a research consultant of the St. Luke’s Medical Center. Dr. Pascual’s research interests is focused on electrochemistry, drug analysis, analytical chemistry and environmental chemistry. The last lecture was from Dr. Francisco Heralde, an associate professor at Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines – Manila, who is also a visiting consultant at the Lung center of the Philippines, and the principal investigator of NRCP funded project on Genomic Surveillance and Intervention of Dengue Virus in Mosquito. His talk was entitled “Applications of Chemistry in Personalized Medicine: Hydrogen Bonds, Solubilities and Functional groups in Diagnostics and Drug Discovery”.

While the symposium was on going, the poster presentation was also simultaneously being held at the lobby of the School of Economics. Out of the 19 posters, five studies were chosen for oral presentation. The top five studies were then strained to determine the top three studies that are given the opportunity to present in the Philippine Chemistry Congress (PCC). The senior author or the chosen representative of the top three studies are entitled for free registration in the 29th PCC to be held at Naga. The top three studies were: Effect of Lewis Acid on Diels-Alder Cycloaddition: A Density Functional Theory (DFT) study by Rumar L. Delima and Edgar W. Ignacio, Synthesis and in vivo Biocompatibility Studies of Researchers of the top 6 posters who qualified for oral presentation together with Mary Rosary de Leon and Dr. Armand Guidote Chitosan/Interconnected Polypyrrole-Polyaniline Composite Hydrogel Films by Julius Patrick N. Cerda, et. al. and Antihyperlipidemic Activity of the Aqueous Extract from the Bark of Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea (Rubiaceae) on Triton X-100 Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats by Joanna Lourdes Visitacion A. Mallillin, et. al. The judges for the poster and oral presentation were: Dr. Armando Victor M. Guidote, Jr and Mr. Paul Gerald L. Sanchez.


The Champions for this year’s PACSiklaban: University of the Philippines Diliman

The Champions for this year’s PACSiklaban: University of the Philippines Diliman

The second day showcased the highly awaited event of undergraduate chemistry students: PACSiklaban – an intercollegiate chemistry quiz bee. The PACSiklaban aims to test the depth and width of the knowledge of the students in Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry. It was held at the School of Labor and Industrial Relations Hall, UP Diliman. It was participated by 11 schools, namely: Adamson University, Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Philippine Normal University, Polytechnic University of the Philppines, Technological University of the Philippines, UP Diliman, UP Manila, UP Visayas and University of Santo Tomas. The second day started with doxology and singing of the national anthem by Rose Anne Santos and Aries Garingalao. It was then followed by opening remarks from Mary Rosary de Leon, PACS, Inc. president. The morning session was allotted for the elimination round which consisted of 10 easy, 10 average and 10 difficult questions. After the elimination round, only the top six schools proceeded to the final round.

The top six schools were from: Adamson University, Ateneo de Manile University, De La Salle University, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, UP Diliman and The Champions for this year’s PACSiklaban: University of the Philippines Diliman UP Manila. The final round consisted of 10 easy, 15 average and 15 difficult rounds. These six teams battled for the top three spots which were then coveted by Polytechnic University of the Philippines (2nd Runner up), University of the Philippines Manila (1st runner up) and last year’s champion, University of the Philippines Diliman (Champion). The judges for the PACSiklaban were Dr. Mafel Ysrael (Biochemistry; Head Judge), Dr. Gladys Cherisse Completo (Organic Chemistry), Dr. Noel S. Quiming (Physical Chemistry), Dr. Allan Yago (Analytical Chemistry) and Dr. Ronald Fabicon (Inorganic Chemistry).

PACS, Inc 2013-2014 General Assembly during the last day of SCC 2014

PACS, Inc 2013-2014 General Assembly during the last day of SCC 2014

The Students’ Chemistry Congress was proudly presented by the Philippine Association of Chemistry Students, Inc. in cooperation with Microlab, Ramos Sison Review Center, Fruit Magic, Medtek, Shimadzu, Dairy Queen, Belman Laboratories and our media sponsors: DZUP 1602 and Green Giant FM.

Junior Chemistry Congress 2014

By Pauline Cleo A. Olpoc

The Junior Chemistry Congress (JCC) 2013 was successfully held last September 28, 2013 (Saturday) at the University of Santo Tomas with the theme “Chemistry: Transcending Boundaries”. Organized by the Philippine Association of Chemistry Students, Inc. for junior and senior high school students, whose aim is to introduce high school students a wide perspective of field options for aspiring chemists. It commenced with a symposium in the morning followed by the inter-high school chemistry quiz bee in the afternoon.

Ten schools participated in the event including, Bulacan State University, Imus Institute, Jubilee Christian Academy, Malate Catholic School, MGC Academy, New Era University, Parañaque Science High School, Philippine Science High School – Main Campus, St. Stephen’s High School and UP Rural High School. The morning session was held at the Engineering Conference Hall, Roque Ruaño Building while the afternoon session was held at the Civil Law Lobby, Main Building.

The program hosted by Mr. Joannes Luke Asis and Ms. Hannah Mae Xyza Montaner, formally opened with an opening remarks from Ms. Mary Rosary de Leon, PACS president. Series of lectures delivered by chemists from various sectors of the industry and the academe, were delivered. The first talk discussed the application of chemistry in the field of human nutrition given by Dr. Gracia Fe B. Yu, associate professor 6 from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila. The second talk was about the way of life of chemists in the industry given by Ms. Gina Narvaez, presently Product Manager at Green Cross Incorporated, Alabang. The last talk was about what is in store for chemists in the academe given by Dr. Christina Binag, PACS adviser who is also currently a professor at the Chemistry Department, College of Science, University of Santo Tomas. A fifteen minute forum followed each presentation to allow students to discuss and interact with the speakers.


The afternoon session was an inter-high school quiz bee which started with an elimination round divided into easy, average and difficult round, for the ten schools that participated: Imus Institute, Malate Catholic School, New Era University Team A, New Era University Team B, Parañaque Science High School Team A, Parañaque Science High School Team B, Philippine Science High School Team A, Philippine Science High School Team B, St. Stephen’s High School and UP Rural High School. After the elimination round, the top five teams were selected for the final round. Parañaque Science High School Team B, Philippine Science High School Team A, Philippine Science High School Team B, St. Stephen’s High School and UP Rural High School all landed in the top five. The final round filter through the top 3 teams are: Philippine Science High School Team A, St. Stephen’s High School, and Philippine Science High School Team B, who emerged as the 2nd runner up, 1st runner up and champions, respectively. The judges for the said event were: Mr. Kevin Anthony Sison, from Department of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, University of the Philippines Manila; Mr. Leonardo Guevarra, from University of Santo Tomas – Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy and Ms. Christina Felicidad Ramirez, from University of Santo Tomas – Chemistry Department, College of Science. The quiz master for the said event was Ms. Maritess Cation, from University of Santo Tomas –Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy.

PACS, Inc. General Assembly together with the judges and quizmaster of PACSiklaban.

PACS, Inc. General Assembly together with the judges and quizmaster of PACSiklaban.

The Junior Chemistry Congress 2013 was made possible by the efforts of the PACS, Inc. Executive Committee 2013-2014, PACS, Inc. General Assembly 2013 – 2014, in cooperation with, Cha Dao Tea Place, Cowboy Grill, UST Biochemical Society, UST Chemical Society and our media sponsor, DZUP.

2nd Excellence in Chemistry Award Given to High School Students

Ten Outstanding High School Students in Davao City are given the Excellence in Chemistry Award for the second year by the Integrated Chemists of the Philippines- Southern Mindanao Chapter. The awardees are selected from the nominees of Secondary Schools. They are the following:

  1. Colegio de San Ignacio – Daniel Dominic C. Lemana
  2. Phlippine Science High School-SMC – Lemuel E. Samson
  3. Daniel R. Aguinaldo NHS – Renzo Edrian G. Reyno
  4. Ateneo de Davao High School – Kobe Brian F. Peteros
  5. Davao Christian High School – Philip John J. Tampus
  6. Brokenshire College – Rowi Mae M. Guerra
  7. Holy Child Colllege of Davao – Camille Trisha C. Aguilon
  8. Davao City National High School – Bliss A. Capidos
  9. University of Immaculate Conception – Jennicel Jane M. Acosta
  10. Davao Central High School – Melissa C. Amban

Nominees were evaluated according to: Grade in Chemistry (60%), Participation in Science/Chemistry Quizzes & Events (30%), Recommendation (10%). The top ten students are given medals and certificates.

Public Hearing held on the New Chemistry Law (Senate Bill 914)

The Senate Committee on Civil Service and Government Reorganization, under the chairmanship of Senator Antonio Trillanes IV conducted a public hearing on the proposed revision of the Chemistry Law on January 27, 2014, at the Senate Building.


Dr. Adoracion Resurreccion, chair of the Board of Chemistry, attended the public hearing representing the Professional Regulation Commission. The Board of Chemistry manifested its support for SB 914.  Also present to endorse SB 914 were the officers of the ICP, Dr. Fabian Dayrit (president), Ms. Edna Mijares (vice-president), and Dr. Lilibeth Coo (treasurer). Dr. Aida Aguinaldo, Outstanding Chemistry professional for 2004, also attended the public hearing to show her support.

The bill will be finalized by a technical working group before being presented again in another public hearing. A House version of the bill has also been filed by Congresswoman Victoria Isabel Noel and is awaiting public hearing at the Batasan.

View the Senate Bill 914 HERE.
View the Board Position on the Senate Bill 914 HERE.