MACROMANILA 2013: Frontiers in Polymer Technologies

The University of the Philippines Institute of Chemistry (IChem) , UP Chemistry Alumni Foundation, Department of Chemical Engineering (DChE) in partnership with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), USA are organizing MACROMANILA 2013: Frontiers in Polymer Technologies on May 23-24, 2013 at the IChem Building, UP, Diliman.

The conference will have plenary sessions as well as oral or  poster presentations from academe and industry.  The plenary sessions will feature seven (7) professors from the Macromolecular Science and Engineering Department of CWRU.  The topics of their talks include nanocomposites, biomaterials, polymer processing, self-healing plastics, aerogels, and state-of-the-art research and technologies.

Target attendees are industry stakeholders, academia, government researchers and students involved in the science and engineering of plastics, polymers and rubber.

Submit now your extended abstract for oral or poster presentation. There will be prizes for best oral or poster presentation of students (graduate or undergraduate).Attached is the flyer for Call of Papers and the Macromanila Abstract template. Deadline is April 30, 2013. Send via email to: or to

Registration is Php 800  inclusive of lunch and snacks and conference materials. Registration is on-site only.